Good evening all,

With Paul out of the business on compassionate leave I just wanted to keep you all updated on current club activities, especially going into a massive game tomorrow in the FA Cup.

Despite his absence me and Paul have still been working tirelessly as and when possible on pushing forward the key issues we have at the moment within the club.

The biggest of which is obviously the pitch. As you are aware we were expecting a third party sub-contractor on site this week to resolve the issue we are currently suffering from with the ground underneath the pitch. Again as discussed, the contracts have been signed and paid for in full, however due to the adverse weather conditions in the UK at the moment, the sub-contractor has been delayed on their current job, meaning that our job has been put on hold too.

Obviously this is far from ideal, but it is a situation that is out of our control because we are relying on third parties and their work loads.

We obviously have a contingency plan in place with back up contractors, and we also have a contingency in place for future home games should this delay cause us to miss the deadlines we have set for completing the job. We are just awaiting league approval on this, with whom we have been working with closely throughout, and as soon as we get that we will share it with you.

Personally to note, Paul, my self and the whole team want nothing more than this to be sorted and we can assure you we are doing everything that we can to do so.

The club and the wider community is at the heart of everything we do.

We will get there, I promise you all.

See you all tomorrow !

Up the celts !