Special Chairman’s Update
Good evening everyone, a special update from me this week!

The little lady pictured above is called Myah Mae Hauxwell, she is just 8 years old and she will be my special guest of honour at this Saturday’s home game against Banbury United.
Myah is a very brave young lady, and we are inviting her to help her raise awareness of her story and to support in the fundraising for an operation in America for a state of the art bionic prosthetic eye with patented Digital Iris technology.
Myah has a rare condition called severe Microphthalmia, which is a condition that causes the eye to not develop during pregnancy.
Since her diagnosis at birth she has currently had a total of 23 surgeries and procedures, and she awaiting her 24th in the next few weeks to remove some fat from her eye socket for a prosthesis to fit and look as natural as possible.
Myah has suffered from severe bulling, for some time, which in turn has affected her self confidence massively. She doesn’t like to leave the house as: “People could see me.”
Sadly Myah has also hurt herself on a number of occasions out of frustration, sadness and desperation.
“I would cry and call myself ugly because no one liked me.”
“I just want to look “normal and want nothing more than to look the same as my friends.”
We will have collection buckets at the ground, so please give if you can, even if it’s only a very small amount it all helps!
Myah will be coming as a guest and leaving as part of the Farsley family and we always look after our own! 💚🤍💚🤍