Dear Farsley Celtic supporters,

I am writing this unprecedented response to end these damaging rumours and gossip about our club, and to reassure our fans that anything you hear relating to the club “going bust” is absolutely and totally false.

I can categorically state we are not going bust, and that we will not be closing our doors anytime soon!

In fact, it is quite the opposite. We are working hard behind the scenes, and you will have seen on social media the recent announcements about John Stubbs and Paul Glover joining the board, and there are a number of more positive announcements to come shortly.

The main area in which we know we have to improve on is communication, and this is why we are making the changes we are.

We want to become a more open and transparent club, and we feel the appointments we have made will help us to do so.

The next time any of our fans hear these kinds of rumours, they can confidently correct those saying so, and dispel the hearsay.

I will be contacting the Hereford Chairman to discuss the comments made at the game on Tuesday evening which helped to spread these rumours, so if anyone has any information on this I’d be grateful.

I am not happy about this, and will always defend the club I love and our fans against anyone or anything. If that means I get into trouble for saying this then so be it.

Paul Barthorpe